Maurice de Vlaminck "Notre Pain Quotidien" Portfolio

Artist                             Maurice de Vlaminck
Title                             "Notre Pain Quotidien" Portfolio
Date                             1963
Medium                        13 lithographs from original watercolors and gouaches
Edition                          from the edition of 250 on Rives vellum
Dimensions                  17 x 20 inches
Availability                    Available

This portfolio, entitled "Notre Pain Quotidien", consists of 13 lithographs from the original watercolors and gouaches by Maurice de Vlaminck, printed in 1963. These lithographs were printed by Daniel Jacomet and the four pages of typography about the artist were written by Pierre Bouchet. The portfolio begins with a forward written by French author, Georges Duhamel, as well as a justification page and a page of the artwork titles (see below). Each piece from this portfolio is numbered from the edition of 250 on Rives vellum paper, aside the editions numbered from 1 to 50 on Richard de Bas paper, and eleven numbered copies in Roman numerals reserved for the collaborators. The twelve pieces in the portfolio measure 17 x 20 inches and the lithograph on the cover of the portfolio measures 10.25 x 8.75 inches.

Please see the artwork titles below:
1. Auto-portrait de l'artiste (located on the cover of the portfolio)
2. Les boutiques
3. Chemin forestier
4. Le bassin
5. Les chalands
6. Fleurs des champs
7. Proletariat
8. Le grand comptoir
9. Route du village
10. Sous la neige
11. Place de l'eglise
12. Le petit pont
13. Le passage a niveau

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